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SIAMS Report

 Please find our latest SIAMS Report [Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist School].

"Leaders have a clear vision for their school, which they have sustained through its expansion. Staff and parents comment on how the ‘small school’ feel has been retained despite the growth in size. The well-known motto of ‘faith, love and excellence’, now developed into a longer vision statement, drives the school’s work in many areas.
It ensures that while every effort is made to help all pupils progress, each individual child is seen for who they are, not just what they can achieve. Leaders, including governors, can explain how their vision comes from biblical teaching, providing Bible verses which show this. Pupils can give good examples of Bible stories which illustrate the concepts of ‘faith, love and excellence’, such as Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego’s faith in God, even in the fiery furnace".  

SIAMS July 2019