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Y4 / Y5 Residential

Hindleap Warren 

Residentials allow children to experience independence in a safe and positive environment. They boost your child's self-confidence and are essential for personal and social development, allowing friendships to bloom and new challenges to be faced.

With 300 acres of private woodland in the Ashdown Forest, an experienced and qualified team of outdoor professionals and exciting and challenging activities, young people will be stretched and stimulated by a residential at Hindleap. 

In 2014, Hindleap celebrated 50 years of outdoor education and has been awarded the Gold Standard by the Association of Heads of Outdoor Education Centres (AHOEC)

Traditionally we take year 4 away for 2 nights and 3 days during the Summer Term however some years we have taken the class in the Autumn term when they are in Year 5.

Quotes from the children: 

"Hindleap Warren was my favourite trip because we got to sleep there."

"We get to do really interesting fun things as the school is getting bigger and now I am a lot more confident”

"We can't wait for our Y6 Residential"