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    Meet the Governors

    The Governing Body

    Members of the governing body represent the church, the council, the local community, parents, staff and other interested parties. The Governing Body and its committees meet regularly to ensure Thorpe Primary is providing the best education for the pupils.

    Our governors work together with the school's senior leadership team (SLT) and subject leaders to focus on the skills and experience that are needed to be effective and contribute to the success of the school.

    What the Governing Body does

    Our Governing Body join with SLT to ensure the strategic decisions and vision for the school are ambitious ensuring the best possible education for every child.

    They have three core functions:

    1. To ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction 
    2. To hold the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and it’s pupils, and the performance management of staff
    3. To oversee the financial performance of the school and make sure money is well spent.

    Governing Body Conduct

    Governors should be mindful in exercising all their functions and must act with integrity, objectivity and honesty and at all times in the best interests of the school. They should be open about the decisions they make and the actions they take and be prepared to explain their decisions and actions to interested parties.

    Holders of public office should be aware of and accept the seven principles of public life: Selflessness, integrity, objectivity, accountability, openness, honesty and leadership.

    Structure and Responsibilities of the Governing Body and it's Committees

    The full governing body meet at least once each term; at least three times each year. Many tasks are delegated to the committees which each meet once or a term. There are four committees at Thorpe:

    Childrens’ Learning – To make sure that the school curriculum fulfils statutory requirements and meets the needs of all pupils in addition to incorporating a rich, relevant and varied learning experience for all pupils. The committee is also responsible for the quality of teaching, pupil progress and pupil outcomes:

    Finance and Staffing – To ensure that the school’s spending remains within budget and all funds are spent wisely to meet the best needs of the pupils. The committee also provides input on staffing needs, pay and deployment.

    Physical Environment – To ensure that the school’s physical environment is safe, maintained and fit for purpose. The committee also considers the future needs of the school ground and buildings and develops strategies to meet these requirements.

    Co-ordination – The chairs  of the other committees, together with the Chairman of Governors, the Vice Chairman of Governors and the Headteacher, meet termly at this committee to set the school’s strategy and ensure progress is made towards attaining the school’s goals.

    Working parties are set up as required to oversee specific projects and tasks.

    The Governors have many roles and will:

    • Provide a strategic view of the school
    • Oversee financial performance
    • Appoint and hold the Headteacher to account for the performance of the school
    • Ensure parents are consulted and informed as required
    • Oversee admissions
    • Set and approve the school budget
    • Set challenging targets and monitor pupil progress towards them
    • Ensure health and safety issues are addressed
    • Ensure buildings are repaired and maintained
    • Governors do not get involved in the day to day running of the school.

    Thorpe C of E Primary School Governing Body is made up of the following governors:

    Co Chair of Governors: Mrs Linda Gillham & Mr Andrew West
    Vice Chair of Governors: Vacancy to be confirmed
    Staff Governors Mrs Helen Southgate
    Miss Laura White
    Foundation Governors
    appointed by Guildford Diocese and St Mary’s Parochial Church Council

    Fr Stephen Girling 

    Mrs Margaret Roberts
    Mr Andrew West
    Mrs Margaret Harnden
    Mr Bryan Nixon

    Mrs Andrea Stirling-Williams

    Ms Dianne Lees

    Elected Parents

    Mrs Harriet Turk

    Mr Stuart Bainbridge

    Local Authority Governor Mrs Linda Gillham
    Associate Governor


    Co-opted Governor Mrs Susan Holmes

    The Clerk to the Governors is Mrs Katherine Wade and Governors can be contacted via email: